This is a Vegetarian product. Arecoline is responsible for some of the effects of betel quid chewing, such as alertness, increased stamina, a sense of well-being, euphoria, and salivation. Chewing the nut stimulates the flow of saliva to aid digestion. Betel nut also has been used to stimulate the appetite.
This item is non-returnable due to the consumable nature of the product.
However, in the unlikely event of damaged, defective or different/wrong item delivered to you, you are requested to videograph the damaged product and send it to us. We will provide a full refund or free replacement as applicable. We may contact you to ascertain the damage or defect in the product prior to issuing refund/replacement.
If Packet not delivered then shipping charges to be born by the customer.
Customer Reviews
Value Quality Price Excellent
Review by Leslie Prichard on 1/3/2014I have purchased ______ from Minimalism a few _____ and am never disappointed. ___ quality is excellent and ___ shipping is amazing. It _____ like it's at your _____ door the minute you ___ off your pc. I ____ received my purchases within ___ days - amazing. -
Value Quality Price -
Value Quality Price Nicely
Review by Anthony Lewis on 1/3/2014Unbeatable service and _________. This store has the ____ business model I have ____ on the net. They ___ true to their word, ___ go the extra mile ___ their customers. I felt ____ a purchasing partner more ____ a customer. You have _ lifetime client in me.